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November/December News

From the Principal: The Parent/Teacher Conferences for elementary were well attended this past quarter. Parents and classroom teachers met recently to discuss their child’s grades and collaborate by setting each student’s individualized annual goals. The goals address appropriate expectations which support your child in ways that he or she learns…
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October News

Dear Parents, The Parent/Teacher Conferences for elementary are planned for October 23 and 24. The conferences were planned over two afternoons, so that we would not lose a whole day of instruction. During these important conferences, parents and classroom teachers meet to discuss a child’s grades and collaborate by setting…
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September News

A message from the Principal: Dear Parents, On behalf of the entire staff at Camelback Desert School, we welcome our returning families and our new families! Thank you for choosing us to educate your children. We recognize the awesome responsibility and the honor it is to serve you! The start…
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